+ media coverage

TV programme about wild garden and book:

On Brighton’s Latest TV  and syndicated across other TV channels nationally

BBC logo

BBC Radio interview with Gerry about his garden and book:

Elsewhere Journal:

“Elsewhere Journal” is carrying a blog with extracts from my book-in-progress “Wilding the Urban Garden”

Review of Inspirational Gamechangers book on Forbes.com

Forbes.com have reviewed Gerry Maguire Thompson's work

“It’s not a bad place to start if you want to be an inspirational game-changer” – Andrew Cave

Famed business title Forbes attracts a global audience of 37.8million unique visitors per month. The Forbes.com website is regarded as one of the top 1,000 websites in the world

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Feature about Gerry’s transformative life journey to confidence through comedy:

It's a Funny Thing feature p1, by Gerry Maguire Thompson

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Interview on New Age Radio:


Start Your Business magazine:

‘Start Your Business’ magazine ran a six page extract and cover feature about the Inspirational Gamechangers book in their September 2015 issue:


Start Your Business magazine coverStart Your Business magazineStart Your Business magazineRichard BransonStart Your Business magazineStart Your Business magazine



Female First feature:
“How to be successful”:

Logo for Female First



In Business magazine:

In Business magazine


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The Business magazine

The Business magazine



The Herald interview:

Herald newspaper feature


Sussex Today magazine interview with Gerry Thompson:

Sussex Today magazine


Evening Standard newspaper on Gerry’s Greek Island comedy course:

Evening Standard newspaper

Wall Street Journal on Gerry’s comedy training:

Wall Street Journal feature

Management Today magazine on Gerry’s comedy training:

Management Today magazine


Business Traveller magazine on Gerry’s comedy training:

Business Traveler magazine

With Sylvester Bone, Gerry wrote the Easiguide supplements for Building Design magazine:

Gerry Maguire Thompson wrote the Easiguide supplements for Building Design magazine