+ humorous cartoons

Humorous cartoons written with other cartoonists:

Humorous cartoons for the twelve astrological signs…

by Gerry Thompson and Anne Ward


cartoonCartoonCartoon by Gerry Maguire Thompson cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon Cartoon

Le Strip

Le Strip

Caroon series by Geo Parkin and Gerry in Anglo-French magazine Le Magazine:

A Day in the Life of Alternative Eddie

A cartoon series by Anne Ward and Gerry:

A Day in the Life of Alternative Eddie: a cartoon strip series by Gerry Maguire Thompson and Anne Ward

Humorous cartoons by Gerry


Cartoon by Gerry ThompsonLive yoghurt


cartoon by Gerry Thompson

Free range chicken


Cartoon by Gerry Maguire Thompson

Angry Jellyfish


Cartoon by Gerry Maguire Thompson

Out-of-body-lotion experience


cartoon by Gerry Thompson“Gross, man”