Gerry reads from his latest book
“The King has asked me to thank you for the copy of your book that you so generously sent. As you will know, His Majesty is deeply committed to protecting the natural world, and so your thoughtful message is truly appreciated.” – Buckingham Palace
“I really love this delightful, upbeat book”
– multi-award-winning nature writer Mark Cocker
“Lovely book….utterly charming, and infectious in its enthusiasm. An inspiration to those seeking to connect more closely with the wildlife on their doorstep. I really enjoyed it, and liked the quirky humour. Humour is something which is sometimes lacking in books about nature”
– Award-winning nature writer Neil Ansell
“My missus loves your wonderful book, Gerry, couldn’t put it down. Her mum had been really poorly for her last few months with us; so she used to read your book to mum, sitting for hours just reading it to her, that will have such wonderful memories for her.” – Phil M
Signed copies can be obtained directly from the author
OR you can buy this book on Amazon
‘Write Your Book’ course: Shoreham by Sea
A few places are available on the fifth series of popular hands-on classes for writers in the Shoreham area, running monthly on the first Thursday of each month, from 7 to 8.30pm
Is there a book you’d like to start writing or make progress on? This very practical hands-on course for anyone is anywhere in the process of creating or publishing their book, fiction or non-fiction. You might want to move forward with:
- thinking up what your book is about in the first place
- planning the book and its overall shape
- writing or editing the material
- getting feedback on what you’ve written
- getting the book published and read
Places are limited and must be booked and paid for in advance. The course fee is £75, which can be paid to Gerry by bank transfer or Paypal.
The course is very much project oriented. At each class, every participant has the opportunity to talk about their own project – what stage they’re at, what obstacles they’re facing – and plan what they will do next, with the support of me and the group. Everyone then goes away and works on the project before reporting back at the next meeting. Some people read extracts of what they’ve done.
Some participants are at very early stages of the process, even just looking at ideas, while others are further on down the line. It has worked well for the previous three roll-outs of the course. Participants have made great progress on projects they may have had on the back burner, often for a long time. It’s a very supportive environment.
Although there are no writing exercise sessions as such, much learning about effective writing that will be helpful for everyone naturally arises in the course of looking at individuals’ projects. This includes principles such as:
- developing one’s writing style
- overcoming obstacles
- getting work done
- developing one’s own writing ‘voice’
- editing and improving existing material
If someone has to miss any of the meetings, they can send in work to be read to the group, and feedback can be provided.
“Great course, with thoughtful helpful guidance and encouragement. I highly recommend Gerry’s writing class.”
“Since attending Gerry’s very friendly writing class I now have the confidence to put the ideas that have been rolling round in my head (for years) to paper .I am really enjoying the classes; Gerry is very helpful and kind with his suggestions and help . It has been inspiring to meet so many other people with their stories, and to discover that we were all lacking in confidence. This is great class and I am really enjoying it , Thank you Gerry”